In 1770, Joseph Priestly
described a natural rubber to erase marks made with a pencil.
An eraser, also called draft, is a handheld instrument whose purpose is
to eliminate erroneous strokes usually pen, although it can also be of ink or
marker. Among the types of eraser exist: pliable rubber,
rubber, hard plastic rubber and ink eraser.
The draft has a consistency similar to the rubber,
hence its name. Some contain plastic materials as the titinilio, plastic
removed from the treatment of the titanium and vinyl. Some pencils have erasers
on one end. There are tires with extract of pumice for technical drawing.Its
raw material is extracted from a tree of virgin rainforest in Brazil, called
rubber tree or Seringueira.
The rubber tree or also called "siringa" or
seringueira is a tree of the family of the Euphorbiaceae. from 20 to 30 m in
height, the trunk is straight and cylindrical of 30 to 60 cm in diameter, white
wood and light, produces fruits from the 4 years, each of which is a great
capsule of 4 cm in diameter that opens in leaflets, with oil-rich seeds.
The seed, seed or nugget is each one of the bodies
that are part of the fruit, which gives rise to a new plant; it is the
structure through which they make the spread plants.The seed is produced by the
maturation of an egg of a gymnosperm or of an angiosperm. A seed contains an
embryo from which you can develop a new plant under appropriate conditions. It
also contains a source of stored feed and is wrapped in a protective cover.
In botany, the embryo is a miniature loin in a state
of life latent or lethargy. Generally as a result of the fertilization of the
oosfera The embryo is formed by the radicle directed toward the coin, the
hypocotyl which is a short rod, the cotyledons that are the first sheets and
plumule is clearly visible or gemula which is the apex caulinar and sometimes
some leaf primordia.
Fertilization, also called syngamy, is the process by
which two gametes fuse to create a new individual with a genome derived from
both parents. The two main purposes of fertilization are the combination of
genes from both parents and the generation of a new individual.
The gametes are haploid sex cells of pluricellular
organisms caused by meiosis.from germ cells; the gametes receive different
names depending on the sex of the carrier and the kingdom to which they belong.
A cell is the morphological and functional unit of all
living being. In fact, the cell is the smallest element that can be considered
alive. In this way, you can be classified to the living organisms depending on
the number of cells that possess: if you only have one, they are called
unicellular, if they have more, they are called pluricellular
The cell theory, proposed in 1838 for the plant and in
1839 for the animals, by Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann,
postulates that all organisms are composed of cells, and that all the cells
derived from other precedents. In this way, all the vital functions emanating
from the cellular machinery and the interaction between adjacent cells; in
addition, the tenure of the genetic information, which is the basis of
inheritance, in their DNA allows the transmission of that from generation to
A being of living or organism is a complex
organization, which involved communication systems molecular listed it
internally and with the environment in an exchange of matter and energy in a
way that is orderly, having the ability to perform the basic functions of life
which are nutrition, the relationship and the reproduction, in such a way that
human beings Act and work on their own without losing its structural level
material up to its death.The matter which composes the living beings is formed
by 95% by four elementosque are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, from
which organic Biomoleculasbiomoleculas or immediate principles are:
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.Bio-inorganic molecules:
water, mineral salts and gases.These molecules are constantly repeated in all
living beings, so the origin of life comes from a common ancestor, because it
would be very unlikely that have independently released two living beings with
the same organic molecules
School (returning to the subject of the draft) is the
generic name for any teaching centre, education, school, College, educational
institution or centre of participation; that is, every institution that
provided education or teaching.It tends to indicate more specifically to
primary schools or university schools forming together with faculties,
Education can be defined as: the multidirectional
process whereby we transmit knowledge, values, customs and ways of acting.
Education not only occurs through the word, because it is present in all our
actions, feelings and attitudes.The process of bonding and cultural, moral
awareness and behaviour. Thus, through education, new generations assimilate
and learn the knowledge, standards of conduct, ways of being and ways of seeing
the world from previous generations, creating also new ones.The process of formal
socialization of individuals of a society.
It is called public education to the national
education system of each country, which generally involves the planning,
monitoring or direct execution of plans of study and education school of
various academic levels remain preeminent the realization of the levels that
the rule of law considered mandatory, Consisting usually in primary education,
however, this does not preclude to higher levels than are not considered
The government
is usually the authority that directs, supervises and manages the State
institutions, which consists of the general political leadership or exercise of
State power. In this regard, it is usually defined as the component to which the Constitution or the fundamental
rule of a State ascribed the role or executive branch, and exercised by the
political power on a society. You can also be the body which directs any
political community
lately in mexico there have been problems of education
due to strikes of teachers since they will not be paid and that affects
children. The strike or unemployment is the collective suspension of the labor
activity on the part of the workers in order to claim improvements in the
conditions of work or to demonstrate against cuts in the social rights;
according to the International Organization of the Work, it is one of the
legitimate fundamental means which the citizens have and specifically the
workers for the promotion and defense of his economic and social interests
The definition of kid (recapturing the topic of the
educaciñon) also it has changed considerably along the history and in the
diverse societies and cultures. The first infancy, from 0 to 5 years of age,
represents a decisive stage in the development of the physical, intellectual and
emotive capacities of every child and girl, and it is the most vulnerable stage
of the growth since it is the stage in which the human beings show big
dependency, motive for which they need special protection. In this phase the
capacities and essential conditions form for the life, most of the brain and
his connections. The love and the intellectual stimulation allow the children
and girls to develop the necessary safety and autoesteem. For it, his
environment and the conditions of life of the mother are fundamental.
The rights of the child are a set of rules of
international law that protects persons up to a certain age. Each and every one
of the rights of children are inalienable and inviolable, so that no person can
violate them or ignore them under any circumstances. Several documents setting
forth the rights of children in the international arena, including the
Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the
Child. The idea of creating the rights of the child in some circle media
intellectuals during the nineteenth century. An example of this was the
reference made by the French writer Jules Vallès in his work the child, and the
more clearly the reflection on the rights of the child that made Kate D. He
left unanswered in 'Children's Rights'
Right is the normative and institutional order of
human behavior in society inspired by tenets of justice and legal certainty,
whose base are existing social relations that determine its content and
character in a given place and time. In other words, behaviors are addressed to
the enforcement of rules that regulate social coexistence and allow you to
resolve the conflict intersubjective.
Justice the conception that every era and civilization
has about the meaning of its legal standards. It is a certain value as common
good for society. He was born of the need to maintain harmony among its
members. It is a set of rules and regulations that establish a suitable
framework for relations between individuals and institutions, authorizing, banning
and allowing specific actions in the interaction of individuals and
Democracy is a form of social organization that
attaches the ownership of power to the whole of society. In the strict sense,
democracy is a form of organization of the State in which collective decisions
are taken by the people through mechanisms of direct or indirect participation
that confer legitimacy to their representatives. In a broad sense, democracy is
a form of social coexistence in which members are free and equal, and social
relations are set according to contractual arrangements.
In politics, they used the vote so that the voters
elect the members of the government or other public officials and
representatives. Each country sets its own rules and mechanisms on the way in
which the various elections. The vote is a necessary but not sufficient
condition for a political system is democratic. There are authoritarian
governments in which the restrictions for submission of nominations they attain
a degree that prevent them from being regarded as democratic. Elections are not
held exclusively in democratic political systems. There are systems that
authoritarian, aware of their inability to forge legitimacy, are tempted to
resort to the elections, which have a as a plebiscite and develop without
guarantees of democratic cleaning that ignore the systematic violations, and
generally virulent, the rules of the game inherent to democracies.
Human rights are those instrumental conditions which
allow the person their realization in result subsumes those freedoms,
faculties, institutions or claims relating to primary or basic goods that
include a whole person, by the simple fact of human condition, and with the
guarantee of a decent life, Without any distinction of race, color, sex,
language, religion, political opinion or of any other opinion, national or
social origin, property, birth or other status
Freedom is the ability of consciousness to think and
act according to one's own.
Parole is measurement alternative to pain privative of
freedom, like prison or house arrest, that contemplates orderings legal of some
countries, and that is possible to impose in the sentence when certain
requirements established in the law, that it allows him to the condemned by a
crime to fulfill his penal sanction in freedom, although subject to certain
obligations or under certain conditions are fulfilled, for example, not to commit
new crimes or lack
In case of failing to
fulfill such conditions, the person to which the parole has been granted to him must fulfill her sentence in the jail.
In the same way, this figure is contemplated in certain legal systems like a rehabilitation measurement, that allows the condemned, after fulfilling a certain proportion of the imposed punishment and other requirements, to finish its sentence in freedom, although subject to certain conditions
In the same way, this figure is contemplated in certain legal systems like a rehabilitation measurement, that allows the condemned, after fulfilling a certain proportion of the imposed punishment and other requirements, to finish its sentence in freedom, although subject to certain conditions
The prison or jail in general is an authorized
institution by the government,It is the place where the interns are jailed and comprises of the system of justice of a country or nation. They can be facilities in which it is jailed to the prisoners of war. They
comprise of the penitentiary system, that is the set of prisons and the respective organization that administers them.
The objective of the prisons or jails varies according to the times and, mainly, the societies. Its main assignment is:
to protect the society of the dangerous elements, to dissuade to those who they try to commit opposite acts to the law, to re-educate to the prisoner for his insertion in the society, to silence the political opponents. This circumstance takes place, of special way, in the dictatorships, although also in the democracies political prisoners can exist.
to prevent that the defendant can flee jeopardizing their next process, is spoken, in this case, of remand
The objective of the prisons or jails varies according to the times and, mainly, the societies. Its main assignment is:
to protect the society of the dangerous elements, to dissuade to those who they try to commit opposite acts to the law, to re-educate to the prisoner for his insertion in the society, to silence the political opponents. This circumstance takes place, of special way, in the dictatorships, although also in the democracies political prisoners can exist.
to prevent that the defendant can flee jeopardizing their next process, is spoken, in this case, of remand
The crime is defined as a typical action, antilegal, imputable, guilty, put under a penal sanction, and sometimes objective conditions of punibilidad. It supposes a infraccional conduct of the Criminal law, that is to say, an action or omission typified and punished by the law.
In legal sense, the penal codes and the doctrine define to the “crime” like all that one conduct (action or omission) opposite to the legal ordering of the country where it takes place
The youthful delinquency makes reference to the crimes
committed by the juniors. The majority of the legal systems, when approaching such conducts, like the courts of minors, anticipates certain procedural specialties for their judgment and count on specific coercive means for their repression, like the youthful centers of halting.
The youthful crimes usually receive great attention of mass media and politicians. This is thus because the level and the types of youthful crimes can be used by the analysts and the average ones as an indicator of the general state of the moral and the public order in a country and, consequently, can be source of alarm and moral panic.
The youthful crimes usually receive great attention of mass media and politicians. This is thus because the level and the types of youthful crimes can be used by the analysts and the average ones as an indicator of the general state of the moral and the public order in a country and, consequently, can be source of alarm and moral panic.
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